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8 Reasons To Avoid Doing Business With Monsanto

Nathan Waters

THP Total Health Performance Non-GMO

Jeffrey Smith is a GMO activist who has put out great information on the serious ill health effects of consuming GMOs. He has also demonstrated the lengths to which big companies like Monsanto (once tagged the world's most evil corporation) will go to to protect their product such as manipulating the results of studies that prove the safety of GMO, leaving pages out of reports, and far more corrupt things than this.

Jeffrey Smith has asked everyone to share his letter about why you shouldn't be an investor in the Monsanto company and that is what I am doing today. I feel the problems associated with GMOs are so enormous that more people need to be aware of what is going on. Although you may not be considering becoming an investor you can still play a part by not buying their products such as Round Up.

Read Jeffrey Smiths letter here

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