The health and fitness industry is full of programs that guarantee ‘rapid weight loss in 3 1 week’ and ‘train like me for a day and you’ll look like a pro’ or ‘take all these expensive supplements and all of your dreams will come true’.
The truth is that there are no quick fixes and no one size fits all program. Any person or program that promises this should be approached with caution.
The only program that works is the one that works for you. We will find what is going to work for you and plan out your program to fit into your lifestyle. This doesn’t mean that it’s all flowers and daisies – you will be required to put in the work and make sacrifices to achieve your chosen result. Something in your life needs to change, and that’s where we come in.

Before we begin any form of training or diet you will be taken through an in-depth assessment covering a range of areas that need to be addressed in order to succeed. We will ask you to fill out and answer a series of questions related to your diet, training history, lifestyle, health and medical history. Your honesty in your answers will determine how successful we will be when creating your unique program.
Our one on one assessments will include a 14 site skin fold test to determine your body fat percentage as well as girth measurements. These tools will be used to assess your progress as the weeks progress.
Photos will be taken at each assessment to track and monitor your progress also.
Once we have discussed all the relevant information we need, we will then undergo a movement assessment. The goal is to identify any structural imbalances or potential sites of injury. Our physical assessment will also be used to determine what level trainee you are and your starting point in the gym.
Where possible, we will request that you get a blood test or provide us with a copy of your most recent blood work.

What you consume each day will have a huge impact on your body composition and your performance. Unlike the majority of programs out there, we tailor your nutrition intake to suit your own individual needs.
This includes everything from planning out your weekly meals right down to how much protein you need each meal. We understand that sometimes nutrition can be confusing, but don’t panic, we will be there so troubleshoot any problems you have in both the short and long term.
We will provide you with the education you need in order get the most out of your time with us by setting clear weekly goals and providing you with a database of recipes and nutrition tips to assist you.

Just like your nutrition plan, your training program will be tailored to suit your individual needs right down to planning out how many days a week you will need to be training and what time this will take place.
When you are training with us, you have access to the unique coaching methods that separate us from the rest. We will ensure that your technique for every repetition is perfect to avoid any injuries; we will keep you to your rest periods and keep you on track with your tempo.
You will be pushed to your limit and we expect you to respond with intensity. Our coaching methods are designed to get the best out of each session and our results speak for themselves.
Our training programs also include additional movement preparation for you to complete prior to your training session and on recovery days. These are movements that are going to set you up for success during your training session.
You can take these movements and apply them to your life long after your time with us has concluded.

Supplements are used to supplement your diet – hence the name, supplement. We understand that these can assist you in many ways and we will give you as much education as we can to empower you to make the right choice for you.

Where we differ from other programs is that we focus on the finest of details. Have you every though about what deodorant you are using and how that could impact your health? What about they make up you put on every day? The soap you use?
While these products may not necessarily directly affect your results, they can have a huge impact on your health. Regardless of your goal, health must always be number one.