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Some Good Sources of Information in Regards to Corona Virus

There is all sorts of noise being made on social media about the corona virus. Today I thought I would simply share some useful sources of information.

Has everything from daily reports, fact checkers, to why soap helps kill the corona virus.

I also received this email from Jay Campbell which I think people could benefit from:

Hey Folks!

As a man of service and action, I'm going to honor my commitment to inform you when necessary.

This message comes from a Doctor on the frontlines in Italy battling Covid-19.

I just wanted to pass on this information.

It was sent to me by a colleague who has a friend that works at Dr. Negreen(?), which is the main hospital on our island.

It’s obviously in Spanish, so I’m just going to read it and translate it for you. This is what it says.

The Chinese now understand the behavior of the COVID-19 virus, thanks to autopsies they have carried out.

This virus is characterized by obstructing the respiratory pathways with thick mucus that solidifies and blocks the airways and lungs.

They have discovered that in order to be able to apply a medicine, you have to open and unblock these airways so the treatment can be used to take effect.

However, all of this takes a number of days.

Their recommendations for what you can do to safeguard yourself are:

Number 1: Drink lots of hot liquids. Coffee, soups, teas, warm water. In addition, take a sip of warm water every 20 minutes because this keeps your mouth moist and washes any of the virus that’s entered your mouth into your stomach, where the gastric juices will neutralize it before it can get to the lungs.

Number 2: Gargle with an antiseptic in warm water, like vinegar or salt or lemon, every day if possible.

Number 3: The virus attaches itself to hair and clothes. Any detergent or soap kills it, but you must take a bath or shower when you get in from the street. Avoid sitting down anywhere and go straight to the bathroom or shower. If you cannot wash your clothes daily, hang them in direct sunlight, which also neutralizes the virus.

Number 4: Wash metallic surfaces very carefully because the virus can remain viral on these for up to 9 days. Take note and be vigilant about touching handrails and door handles, etc. I guess within your own house as well, you can make sure that you are keeping those clean and wiping them down regularly.

Number 5: Don’t smoke.

Number 6: Wash your hands every 20 minutes using any soap that foams. Do this for 20 seconds and wash your hands thoroughly.

Number 7: Eat fruits and vegetables. Try to elevate your zinc levels, not just your vitamin C levels.

Number 8: Animals do not spread the virus to people. This is person-to-person transmission.

Number 9: Try to avoid getting the common flu. I guess because this just already weakens your system. And try to avoid eating and drinking cold things.

Number 10: If you feel any discomfort in your throat or a sore throat coming on, attack it immediately using the above methods. The virus enters the immune system this way and remains for 3 or 4 days within the throat before it passes into the lungs.

Good luck to everyone.

Take care of yourself.

And pass this information along if you wish.

This article talks about the progression of the disease, who is most at risk, and some supplements that may help you out -

Explaining exponential growth and the global impact (the lily pad story probably made me aware of how bad this could be well before anyone really cared) -

These podcasts from Peter Attia were informative as always:

Two medications that have shown some promise:

Joe Rogan talking with Michael Osterholm -

That should keep you going for a while if you want to be informed.

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