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Nathan Waters

Supplements - Know why and how

Supplements Total Health Performance Camden Ingleburn Campbelltown Narellan Multi HCl vitamin c vitamin k

Do you supplement? 💊

Majority of people take a multivitamin (when they remember), the occasional fish oil and a pre workout or protein shake around training times.

But are they worth it?

Yes - IF you take them properly in the correct dosages from a quality source.

How do you know if what you're taking is a quality brand?

If you can buy it over the counter, generally it's a poor quality and the cheapest form of that supplement available.

For example, over the counter brands of magnesium cause people to spend much more time on the toilet than they were planning on.

How do you know how much to take?

This one is dependent on the product, the individual and the reason for its use.

Know what you're putting into your body and why ✌🏻

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