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Alfie Tropea - Front Squat July 2017

The above video is of Alfie Tropea front squatting 107.5 kg for 3 reps. Alfie shows some pretty solid form here and decent strength levels for a 17 year old who has only been lifting properly for the past year.

The thing that impresses me is that he was told he would need shoulder surgery earlier in the year before we referred him to Dr. Kuah who said he would be able to rehab it without surgery. To be able to rack the bar and support it on the shoulders pain free shows the great progress he has made with this injury. He has also played his entire rugby league season since coming back from the injury which is the main goal.

I am lucky enough to have some rehab techniques up my sleeve to help his progress and I am grateful I have invested the time and energy in learning proper program design. If Alfie trained with anyone else he would have been booked in for surgery, missed the season, and probably still doing some rubber band work trying to get his shoulder back to normal function.

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