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Nathan Waters


Girls don’t eat enough protein, it’s just the way it is. I don’t think I’ve ever had anyone come in and not have had to address the amount of protein they eat.

Protein in Greek means of first importance, we literally can’t live without it.

Have a look at this quick example:

You have two groups of people, group 1 gets put on an island where there are only protein and fats to eat and group 2 gets put on an island where there are only carbohydrates and fats to eat. Leave them there for 6 months and all of the people in Group 2 would be dead and Group 1 would be thriving.

Protein builds your immune system, without it you are going to be one sick individual. Who cares how good you look if you’re constantly getting sick???

Protein is essential for detoxification – getting shit out of your body. If you carry a lot of weight in your hips and legs then you need more protein (animal meat) in your diet, especially before 12pm to help your body detoxify. Anyone out there have cellulite? Well protein can help that too!

For anyone that’s reading this and thinking “too much protein can cause cancer” or something along those lines lets just get this clear once and for all:

  1. The studies that came to those conclusions used shit meat – deli meat, hotdogs, sausages, etc.

  2. If you don’t have PKD (pre-existing kidney disease) then you have nothing to worry about.

With all that out of the way, how much should you eat, what should you eat and when should you eat protein?

I eat protein with every meal – this includes breakfast. I use a variety of animal proteins and do not eat deli foods (too processed and inflammatory). My protein goal reflects my training goal, and so will yours so the amount will differ from person to person. I eat a lot of veggies with my protein and so should you, protein is important but you cannot forget about fats and carbohydrates (the green leafy veggie kind and some fruits depending on your goal).

Don’t be afraid that you’ll put on weight or get big and bulky just from eating a bit more protein!!

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